1、当开关处于中间位置时,LED灯处于关闭状态,交流插头插入AC90V-240V的交流电上,充电指示灯亮,此时处于充电状态,其他无功能。 2、当开关处于手电筒照明功能时(开关朝下),LED灯板上方16个LED手电照明灯亮。此时交流插头插入AC90V-240V的交流电上,充电指示灯亮,此时处于充电状态和16LED照明状态,此时无应急功能且调节亮度开关时无调光功能。 3、当开关处于应急灯功能时(开关朝上),LED灯板上方68个LED照明灯亮,调节亮度开关,可以通过自己适合的强弱光进行调节。此时交流插头插入AC90V-240V的交流电上,充电指示灯亮,68个LED灯熄灭,此时处于充电状态,有应急功能且调节亮度开关时无调光功能。当交流插头拔出AC90V-240V的交流电时,4秒后68个LED灯自动点亮,恢复此前功能。
Directions For use: a.T0 turn ON 16 LED torch, push the 0N/OFF button upwards till it touches the upper end, to turn OFF push the ON/OFF button downwards in center position and to Turn ON all 68 LED Light, push the 0N/OFF button further downwards tiII it touches the lower end.T0 adjust the brightness of the Ultra bright LEDs, rotate the brightness control knob in the direction advised on the knob. b.TO charge the LED light, just open the plastic cover given at the back of the LED light & unwind the charging wire, Plug the 220V pin in any standard AC outlet which in turn will charge the LED torch light. c.There is a small indicator near the LEDS indicating the status of the charge. Once fully charged unplug the wire from the AC outlet and wind it again & place it at the same place of the LED light with plastic cover on top. d.Avoid looking directly into the Led’s as it has a strong beam. e.Charge the torch only in OFF position or else it may damage the LEDs. 本公司产品已通过ISO9001-2008质量体系认证;以上为参考参数,颜色误差以实体为准。 |