一、产品特点; 1、内置可充电免维护容量高达700mAH铅酸蓄电池。 With more than 700 MAH high Rated capacity Hermetical rechargeable Lead Acid Battery. 2、超长寿命电池,高达250次以上循环使用。 The long life battery is able to be circularly used 250 times between charge and discharge. 3、采用7个长寿命、超高亮度白色LED灯泡。 7 pcs of LED Bulbs with long life and high brightness . 4、二档照明,强弱光可调:第一档弱;4个LED灯照明,第二档;7个LED灯照明。 Two switch gear , first gear 4 leds lighted up, second gear 7 leds lighted up. 5、使用LED灯,耗电低,照明时间长,第一档8小时,第二档5小时。 First gear , last for 8 hours , and second gear , last for 5 hours . 6、本产品适用于割胶、采蘑菇、捕鱼、摘菜、修车等用途。 It is used widely in cutting gum, plucking mushroom, fishing, plucking vegetable, reparing vehicle and reading and so on. 二、使用说明: 1、本头灯采用高质量、稳定性强的电源开关。 This product with high quality and stability switch. 2、使用时,按第一次4个LED灯亮,按第二次7个LED灯亮,按第三次关灯。(以此类推) When using , press the switch for first time , 4 leds lighted up, press for second time, 7leds lighted up.and Press for third time ,all leds stope working . 3、充电时,将电源线的一端插入头灯电源插座上,另一端插入AC220V/50HZ交流电源插座上,产品相应的充电指示灯亮,充足电量需要10个小时左右。(建议白天进行充电) When charge the battery, Please insert the plug into the AC220V 50-60HZ Power directly and connect the power wire to the socket of the light. And the charge indicator will be on which means it is now being charged. 10 hours are needed for full charging , and better charge it at daytime. 4、照明时可根据所需角度或松紧带进行调整。 When using , it can be adjustable by the angle you required or Elastic band . 三、注意事项: 1、使用完毕应及时充电,不可将产品置于无电状态;充电时请远离易燃易爆物品,充电时请远离易燃易爆物品,最长充电时间不能超过12小时;如果不经常使用,请您每存放三个月内补充电一次约8小时左右,以免影响电池的使用寿命。 pls charge it immediately if no power on it . and the lognest charging time is less than 12 hours . if not using , pls charg it for 8 hours one time every three month to protect the life of the battey.I 2、产品充电时切勿使用。 Please turn off the light when you charge the Battery. 3、勿让产品淋雨或受潮。 Please keep the product dry. 四、品质保证: 本公司产品遵循公司企业标准Q/XYSD 002-2009.确属本公司产品质量问题,自购置之时起保修期为3个月。(非正确使用而致使产品损坏、烧坏的,不属保修之列。) Our products are meet with the requirements of standard Q/XYSD 002-2009. It is Guaranteed for the quality problem by 3 months from the purchase date. And any damage caused by incorrect operation is not included.
本企业已通过 ISO9001:2008 质量管理体系认证;以上为参考参数,颜色误差以实体为准。 |